Recruiter index

The Recruiter index is your field guide to the recruiter market in Sweden. We have compiled comprehensive data on the recruitment firms operating in Sweden.
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SD Worx Sverige


What would it mean for your business if HR and payroll admin felt a lot less like hard work? What if, instead of wading through admin chores, everyone could get on with the job they actually came to do? We think that would fundamentally change the way people work. And thanks to intuitive services designed with people, not just technology, in mind, SD Worx, formerly Aditro, is making it happen. Moving the world of HR and payroll. We’re firm believers in making things simple. After all, business admin can be complicated. But SD Worx solutions are refreshingly straightforward, intuitive and accessible. And while we embrace all of today’s technologies from automization to AI, we’re still real people, designing for real people. With a love, care and a genuine desire to create solutions which make a difference. People, not tech, come first. We don’t build things because we can. We create solutions for real people in the real world who work everywhere, anywhere, anytime and on any device. And because we always think people first, our intuitive tools are picked up in an instant – and used over, and over, and over again. We love hard work. Savings. More efficiency. Greater accuracy. Improved compliance. All our solutions are created to deliver hard results. And they do just that. That’s what comes of having the Nordics’ strongest HR and payroll admin specialists on board. Job done. If it doesn’t make life easier, we’re not interested. If it doesn’t make HR and Financial admin faster, smoother, even a pleasure, we don’t want to know. If it doesn’t make work work better, it’s not for us. We simply want to get the job done. And done brilliantly. SD Worx has more than 76,000 small and large organisations across the globe that place their trust in SD Worx and its +75 years' worth of experience.



We are Digitalent! An IT consultancy that focuses on leadership and competence development. Our hallmark is to help companies and organisations grow their development teams. Through our unique cooperation with Academic Work, Sweden's leader on staffing and recruitment of Young Professionals, we have the possibility to combine senior and junior developers in efficient project teams, allowing our clients to recruit the junior developers without extra charge. As our client, this means that you can take a short cut when building your development team. The Digitalent consultants, with senior experience, are responsible for guiding, coaching and training junior developers who you can keep. As a consultant at Digitalent you get the opportunity to develop your leadership skills by leading our clients’ development teams. If leadership is not one of your career goals, we also have specialist consultants who focus on being the technical pillars in our assignments. No matter what interests you the most, Digitalent will help with both internal and external competence development, leadership trainings, clear career paths and top-class benefits. And by the way, we offer partnership to all our colleagues. The partnership makes us all strive towards our goals together and internal competition is removed. This contributes to a genuine corporate culture which is characterized by our engagement. Do you want to be a partner in our company and at the same time focus on your development? Then we might have a future together.

PAf Rekrytering


En långsiktig och professionell partner med kreativa lösningar. Vi hjälper er att framgångsrikt rekrytera ledare, specialister och andra nyckelpersoner till er verksamhet inom alla branscher. Det kan vara inom områdena: IT, marknad, försäljning, teknik, logistik, ekonomi, finans eller administration. Rekrytera kostnadseffektivt med kvalitet. Träffsäker rekrytering bygger på kunskap, metodik, erfarenhet och engagemang. Vi arbetar med en strukturerad dynamisk process, som säkerställer en kostnadseffektiv kvalitet. PAf Rekrytering hjälper er med Executive Search för att identifiera, utvärdera och rekrytera till nyckelpositioner, men även för att kunna leverera erfarna Interimschefer i alla befattningar på ledningsnivå. Vi har specialister inom second opinion och använder vetenskapligt beprövade arbetspsykologiska urvalsinstrument för att mäta exempelvis begåvning, grundpersonlighet och ledarstil i syfte att förutsäga framgång knutet till en specifik roll. Jobbcoachning sker i samarbete med Arbetsförmedlingen, där vi ger en individuell jobbcoachning med fokus på att den arbetssökande snart får ett nytt jobb. Vi som jobbar på PAf Rekrytering har själva många års erfarenhet från ledande positioner inom både större och mindre företag och känner därför igen de problem och utmaningar, som våra kunder och sökande ställs inför. Välkommen till det personliga rekryteringsföretaget!

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