Find talent on

Transform how your organization works with consultants, freelancers, giggers and recruiters. Automate more than 90% of the end-to-end hiring process of consultants and freelancers. Create price compression and reduce cost.


Save hours and find better talent at the click of a button. Build your own network or find talent through Fill.


Onboard vendors in minutes, gather all necessary information, and centralize invoices seamlessly through our top-notch vendor portal.

Pay & analyze

Unlock powerful insights on your spending performance through our out of the box analytics module. Pay less time on payments.


Collaborate between internal stakeholders and extended partners through one interface.


less admin




cost reduction


Customer satisfaction

Fill is an invaluable partner in taking our external workforce abilities to the next level.
- Jenny Person

Breaking down barriers between your internal and extended workforce

Transform how your organization works with consultants, freelancers, giggers and recruiters. Our platform simplifies the external workforce management, cutting through the inefficiency of traditional manual processes. With Fill, teams save time, reduce operational costs, and enhance managerial satisfaction through automation and intelligent resource utilization. Discover a streamlined, cost-effective approach to talent management

Find talent faster

Source, meet and sign extended talent in one simple custom built interface. Use existing or find new talents and vendors through the talent marketplace.


Make informed, cost-conscious decisions by comparing partner proposals, ensuring you never overpay. Save up to 20%.

One interface for all external vendors

Effortlessly collaborate with preferred partners and discover new talent specialists on our integrated platform, featuring expert partner recommendations.

One way of working

Standardize your internal procedures with a clear, easy-to-adopt methodology for engaging with recruiters and consultants.

Trusted by innovators and industry leaders

"As a senior leader, time is of the essence. Fill removes the friction with my external staff. The platform is super easy to use, so I can focus on creating real value."

Arvid Warrenstein

Commercial director


Used by enterprises, loved by everybody.

Discover some of our core features


Automate admin tasks and integrate working with recruiters into your workflow with Fill's integrations.

AI-powered matching

Fill harnesses cutting-edge machine learning technology for high-performance job matching.